пятница, 29 ноября 2024 г.

Alexey Gorinov's last word in court: "Stop killing, stop the war!" - EN


Alexey Gorinov's last word in court: "Stop killing, stop the war!"


29 NOV 2024

Today, the Vladimir Garrison Military Court will issue a decision on a new criminal case against deputy Alexey Gorinov. At the hearing, Alexey made his final statement — we are publishing his speech in full.

"All my life I have been an opponent of aggression, violence, war, devoting it exclusively to peaceful pursuits: science, teaching, education, management, public activities as a deputy, human rights activist, member of the election commission and controller of the electoral process. And I never thought that I would live to see such a level of degradation of the political system of my country, its foreign policy, when ordinary citizens, who already number in the thousands, who advocate peace, against war, would be accused of slandering the Armed Forces and justifying terrorism and would be tried.

The third year of the war is coming to an end, the third year of victims and destruction on European territory unseen since World War II, the deprivation and suffering of millions of people. This cannot be kept silent.

Back in late April, our former Minister of Defense announced the losses of the Ukrainian side in the armed conflict - 500 thousand people. Think about this figure! And what losses did Russia suffer then, which, according to official information, is constantly successfully advancing along the entire front? We still don’t know. And who will answer for this? What is it all for?

Our government and those who support it in its militaristic aspirations wanted this war so much - and now it has come to our land. I want to ask them: has our life become better? Is this how you understand the well-being and security of our country and its population? Or did you not expect such a development of the situation in your calculations? But for now, it is not those who started the war, continue to kill, promote war and engage in mercenary activities who have to answer, but us, ordinary citizens of Russia, who raise our voices against war, for peace. To answer, paying with our freedom, and for some, with their lives.

I belong to the outgoing generation of people whose parents participated in World War II or survived it with all its hardships. The generation that has already passed bequeathed to us to protect peace with all our might, as the most valuable thing on Earth for all its inhabitants. But we have neglected its precepts and devalued our memory of these people and the victims of that war.

My guilt is that I, as a citizen of my country, allowed this war to happen and was unable to stop it. And I ask that this be noted in the verdict.

But I would like my guilt and responsibility to be shared with me by the organizers, participants, supporters of the war, as well as the persecutors of those who advocate peace. I continue to live with the hope that this will happen someday. In the meantime, I ask the residents of Ukraine and my fellow citizens who suffered from the war to forgive me.

In the context of the case in which I was accused and tried for expressing the opinion that it is necessary to seek an end to the war, I have fully expressed my attitude to this vile human activity. I can only say that violence, aggression, only generate counter-violence and nothing more. This is the true cause of our troubles, suffering, our senseless sacrifices, the destruction of civilian and industrial infrastructure, our homes.

Let's stop this bloody, unnecessary slaughter - neither for us, nor for the people of Ukraine. Isn't it time to leave our neighbors alone and deal with our internal problems, which are growing like a snowball. We have long ago proven to the whole world how brave, resilient and peace-loving we are. So maybe that's enough?

L.N. Tolstoy - from a letter to his son (1904):

“For me, the madness and criminality of war are so clear that I can see nothing in it except this madness and criminality.”

I also join and subscribe to these words of our great compatriot. Join us too!

La lasta vorto de Aleksej Gorinov en la tribunalo estas "Ĉesu mortigi, ni ĉesigu la militon!" - EO


La lasta vorto de Aleksej Gorinov en la tribunalo estas "Ĉesu mortigi, ni ĉesigu la militon!"


29 NOV 2024

Hodiaŭ la Milita Tribunalo de la Garnizono de Vladimir faros decidon pri nova krimproceso kontraŭ deputito Alexei Gorinov. En la kunveno, Aleksej faris la lastan vorton - ni publikigas lian paroladon plene.

"La tutan vivon mi estis kontraŭulo de agreso, perforto, milito, dediĉante ĝin ekskluzive al pacaj okupoj: scienco, instruado, edukado, administrado, publikaj agadoj kiel deputito, aktivulo de homaj rajtoj, membro de elektkomisionoj kaj regilo de la balotado. procezo. Kaj mi neniam pensis, ke mi vivos por vidi tian degradadon de la politika sistemo de mia lando, ties ekstera politiko, kiam ordinaraj civitanoj, kiuj jam nombras en miloj, kiuj estas por paco kaj kontraŭ milito, estos akuzitaj pro tio. kalumniante la Armitajn Fortojn kaj pravigante terorismon kaj juĝis.

Finiĝas la tria jaro de la milito, la tria jaro de viktimoj kaj detruoj sur eŭropa teritorio senprecedenca ekde la dua mondmilito, senigo kaj suferado de milionoj da homoj. Ni ne povas silenti pri tio.

Fine de aprilo nia eksministro pri defendo anoncis la perdojn de la ukraina flanko en la armita konflikto - 500 mil homoj. Pensu pri ĉi tiu nombro! Kaj tiam kiajn perdojn suferis Rusio, kiu, laŭ oficialaj informoj, senĉese sukcese progresas laŭ la tuta fronto? Ni ankoraŭ ne scias. Kaj kiu respondecos pri tio? Por kio ĉio estas?

Nia registaro kaj tiuj, kiuj subtenas ĝin en ĝiaj militismaj aspiroj, tiom deziris ĉi tiun militon – kaj nun ĝi jam venis al nia lando. Mi ŝatus demandi ilin: ĉu nia vivo fariĝis pli bona? Ĉu tiel vi komprenas la bonfarton kaj sekurecon de nia lando kaj ĝia loĝantaro? Aŭ ĉu vi ne antaŭvidis tian evoluon de la situacio en viaj kalkuloj? Sed nuntempe, ni devas respondi ne por tiuj, kiuj komencis la militon, daŭre mortigis, antaŭenigas militon kaj okupiĝas pri soldulaj agadoj, sed por ni, ordinaraj civitanoj de Rusio, kiuj levas sian voĉon kontraŭ la milito, por paco. Por respondi, pagante per via libereco, kaj por iuj, per via vivo.

Mi apartenas al la eksiĝinta generacio de homoj, kies gepatroj partoprenis en la Dua Mondmilito aŭ travivis ĝin kun ĉiuj malfacilaĵoj. La jam forpasinta generacio testamentis al ni protekti la mondon per ĉiuj niaj fortoj, kiel la plej valora afero sur la Tero por ĉiuj ĝiaj loĝantoj. Kaj ni neglektis liajn interligojn kaj malplivalorigis nian memoron pri ĉi tiuj homoj kaj la viktimoj de tiu milito.

Mia kulpo estas, ke mi, kiel civitano de mia lando, permesis ĉi tiun militon kaj ne povis ĉesigi ĝin. Kaj bonvolu noti tion en la verdikto.

Sed mi ŝatus, ke miaj kulpo kaj respondeco estu kun mi dividitaj de la organizantoj, partoprenantoj, subtenantoj de la milito, same kiel la persekutantoj de tiuj, kiuj pledas por la paco. Mi daŭre vivas kun la espero, ke tio okazos iam. Intertempe mi petas la loĝantojn de Ukrainio kaj miaj samcivitanoj kiuj suferis pro la milito pardoni min.

En la kadro de la kazo, en kiu mi estis akuzita kaj juĝita pro esprimi la opinion, ke necesas serĉi finon de la milito, mi plene esprimis mian sintenon al tiu ĉi malnobla homa agado. Mi povas nur diri, ke perforto kaj agreso nur estigas venĝan perforton kaj nenion pli. Ĉi tio estas la vera kialo de niaj problemoj, sufero, niaj sensencaj oferoj, la detruo de civila kaj industria infrastrukturo, kaj niaj hejmoj.

Ni ĉesigu ĉi tiun sangan, nenecesan masakron – nek por ni nek por la loĝantoj de Ukrainio. Ĉu ne estas tempo lasi niajn najbarojn solaj kaj prizorgi niajn internajn problemojn, kiuj kreskas kiel neĝbulo? Ni delonge pruvas al la tuta mondo, kiom kuraĝaj, persistaj kaj pacaj ni estas. Do eble tio jam sufiĉas?

L.N. Tolstoj - de letero al lia filo (1904):

"Por mi, la frenezo kaj krimeco de la milito estas tiel klaraj, ke krom ĉi tiu frenezo kaj krimeco, mi povas vidi nenion en ĝi."

Mi ankaŭ aliĝas kaj abonas ĉi tiujn vortojn de nia granda samlandano. Aliĝu ankaŭ al ni!

Le dernier mot d’Alexeï Gorinov devant le tribunal est : « Arrêtez de tuer, arrêtons la guerre ! » FR



29 NOVEMBRE 2024

Aujourd'hui, le tribunal militaire de la garnison de Vladimir rendra une décision sur une nouvelle affaire pénale contre le député Alexei Gorinov. Lors de la réunion, Alexey a prononcé le dernier mot - nous publions l'intégralité de son discours.

« Toute ma vie, j'ai été un opposant à l'agression, à la violence, à la guerre, la consacrant exclusivement à des activités pacifiques : science, enseignement, éducation, gestion, activités publiques en tant que député, militant des droits de l'homme, membre des commissions électorales et contrôleur des élections. processus. Et je n'aurais jamais pensé que je pourrais vivre assez longtemps pour voir un tel niveau de dégradation du système politique de mon pays, de sa politique étrangère, lorsque des citoyens ordinaires, qui se comptent déjà par milliers, qui sont pour la paix et contre la guerre, seront accusés de calomniant les forces armées et justifiant le terrorisme et jugé.

La troisième année de guerre touche à sa fin, la troisième année de pertes et de destructions sur le territoire européen sans précédent depuis la Seconde Guerre mondiale, de privations et de souffrances pour des millions de personnes. Nous ne pouvons pas rester silencieux à ce sujet.

Fin avril, notre ancien ministre de la Défense a annoncé les pertes de la partie ukrainienne dans le conflit armé - 500 000 personnes. Pensez à ce numéro ! Et puis, quelles pertes a subi la Russie, qui, selon les informations officielles, avance constamment avec succès sur tout le front ? Nous ne le savons toujours pas. Et qui en sera responsable ? A quoi ça sert ?

Notre gouvernement et ceux qui le soutiennent dans ses aspirations militaristes voulaient tellement cette guerre – et maintenant elle est déjà arrivée dans notre pays. Je voudrais leur demander : notre vie est-elle devenue meilleure ? Est-ce ainsi que vous comprenez le bien-être et la sécurité de notre pays et de sa population ? Ou n'aviez-vous pas prévu une telle évolution de la situation dans vos calculs ? Mais pour l’instant, nous devons répondre non pas de ceux qui ont déclenché la guerre, continuent de tuer, de promouvoir la guerre et de se livrer à des activités mercenaires, mais de nous, citoyens ordinaires de Russie, qui élevons la voix contre la guerre, pour la paix. Pour répondre, en payant de votre liberté, et pour certains, de votre vie.

J'appartiens à la génération sortante de personnes dont les parents ont participé à la Seconde Guerre mondiale ou y ont survécu malgré toutes les épreuves. La génération déjà passée nous a légué la protection du monde de toutes nos forces, comme la chose la plus précieuse sur Terre pour tous ses habitants. Et nous avons négligé ses alliances et dévalorisé notre mémoire de ces personnes et des victimes de cette guerre.

Ma faute est que, en tant que citoyen de mon pays, j’ai permis cette guerre et je n’ai pas pu l’arrêter. Et veuillez le noter dans le verdict.

Mais j'aimerais que ma culpabilité et ma responsabilité soient partagées avec moi par les organisateurs, les participants, les partisans de la guerre, ainsi que les persécuteurs de ceux qui prônent la paix. Je continue de vivre avec l’espoir que cela arrivera un jour. En attendant, je demande aux habitants de l'Ukraine et à mes concitoyens qui ont souffert de la guerre de me pardonner.

Dans le cadre de l'affaire dans laquelle j'ai été accusé et jugé pour avoir exprimé l'opinion qu'il était nécessaire de chercher à mettre fin à la guerre, j'ai pleinement exprimé mon attitude à l'égard de cette activité humaine ignoble. Je peux seulement dire que la violence et l’agression ne donnent lieu qu’à des représailles et rien de plus. C’est la véritable raison de nos ennuis, de nos souffrances, de nos sacrifices insensés, de la destruction des infrastructures civiles et industrielles et de nos maisons.

Arrêtons ce massacre sanglant et inutile - ni pour nous ni pour les habitants de l'Ukraine. N'est-il pas temps de laisser nos voisins tranquilles et de s'occuper de nos problèmes internes, qui grandissent comme une boule de neige ? Nous avons depuis longtemps prouvé au monde entier à quel point nous sommes courageux, persévérants et pacifiques. Alors peut-être que c'est déjà suffisant ?

L.N. Tolstoï - extrait d'une lettre à son fils (1904) :

« Pour moi, la folie et la criminalité de la guerre sont si claires qu’en dehors de cette folie et de cette criminalité, je n’y vois rien. »

Je me joins et souscris également à ces paroles de notre grand compatriote. Rejoignez-nous aussi !

Alexej Gorinows letztes Wort vor Gericht lautet: „Hört auf zu töten, lasst uns den Krieg stoppen!“ - DE


Alexej Gorinows letztes Wort vor Gericht lautet: „Hört auf zu töten, lasst uns den Krieg stoppen!“


29. Nov 2024

Heute wird das Militärgericht der Wladimir-Garnison über ein neues Strafverfahren gegen den Stellvertreter Alexei Gorinov entscheiden. Bei dem Treffen hatte Alexey das letzte Wort – wir veröffentlichen seine Rede vollständig.

„Mein ganzes Leben lang war ich ein Gegner von Aggression, Gewalt und Krieg und habe ihn ausschließlich friedlichen Zielen gewidmet: Wissenschaft, Lehre, Bildung, Management, öffentliche Aktivitäten als Abgeordneter, Menschenrechtsaktivist, Mitglied von Wahlkommissionen und Wahlleiter Verfahren. Und ich hätte nie gedacht, dass ich einen solchen Verfall des politischen Systems meines Landes, seiner Außenpolitik, noch erleben würde, wenn dies den einfachen Bürgern vorgeworfen wird, die bereits zu Tausenden zählen und für den Frieden und gegen den Krieg sind Verleumdung der Streitkräfte und Rechtfertigung des Terrorismus und versucht.

Das dritte Kriegsjahr geht zu Ende, das dritte Jahr der Verluste und Zerstörungen auf europäischem Territorium, wie es seit dem Zweiten Weltkrieg noch nie dagewesen ist, der Entbehrungen und des Leids von Millionen Menschen. Darüber können wir nicht schweigen.

Ende April gab unser ehemaliger Verteidigungsminister die Verluste der ukrainischen Seite im bewaffneten Konflikt bekannt – 500.000 Menschen. Denken Sie an diese Zahl! Und welche Verluste erlitt dann Russland, das nach offiziellen Angaben ständig erfolgreich an der gesamten Front vorrückt? Wir wissen es immer noch nicht. Und wer wird dafür verantwortlich sein? Wozu dient das Ganze?

Unsere Regierung und diejenigen, die sie in ihren militaristischen Bestrebungen unterstützen, wollten diesen Krieg so sehr – und jetzt ist er bereits in unserem Land angekommen. Ich möchte sie fragen: Ist unser Leben besser geworden? Verstehen Sie so das Wohlergehen und die Sicherheit unseres Landes und seiner Bevölkerung? Oder haben Sie in Ihren Berechnungen nicht mit einer solchen Entwicklung gerechnet? Aber vorerst müssen wir uns nicht für diejenigen verantworten, die den Krieg begonnen haben, weiterhin töten, den Krieg fördern und sich an Söldneraktivitäten beteiligen, sondern für uns, die einfachen Bürger Russlands, die ihre Stimme gegen den Krieg und für den Frieden erheben. Um zu antworten, zahlen Sie mit Ihrer Freiheit und in manchen Fällen auch mit Ihrem Leben.

Ich gehöre zu der kontaktfreudigen Generation von Menschen, deren Eltern am Zweiten Weltkrieg teilgenommen oder ihn mit allen Strapazen überlebt haben. Die bereits vergangene Generation hat es uns hinterlassen, die Welt mit aller Kraft zu schützen, als das Wertvollste auf der Erde für alle ihre Bewohner. Und wir haben seine Bündnisse missachtet und unser Andenken an diese Menschen und die Opfer dieses Krieges abgewertet.

Meine Schuld ist, dass ich als Bürger meines Landes diesen Krieg zugelassen habe und ihn nicht stoppen konnte. Und bitte vermerken Sie dies im Urteil.

Aber ich möchte, dass meine Schuld und Verantwortung von den Organisatoren, Teilnehmern, Unterstützern des Krieges sowie den Verfolgern derer, die sich für den Frieden einsetzen, mit mir geteilt werden. Ich lebe weiterhin mit der Hoffnung, dass dies eines Tages passieren wird. In der Zwischenzeit bitte ich die Bewohner der Ukraine und meine Mitbürger, die unter dem Krieg gelitten haben, um Verzeihung.

Im Rahmen des Falles, in dem ich angeklagt und vor Gericht gestellt wurde, weil ich die Meinung geäußert hatte, dass es notwendig sei, den Krieg zu beenden, habe ich meine Haltung gegenüber dieser abscheulichen menschlichen Aktivität voll und ganz zum Ausdruck gebracht. Ich kann nur sagen, dass Gewalt und Aggression nur zu Vergeltungsgewalt führen und nichts weiter. Das ist der wahre Grund für unsere Sorgen, unser Leid, unsere sinnlosen Opfer, die Zerstörung der zivilen und industriellen Infrastruktur und unserer Häuser.

Stoppen wir dieses blutige, unnötige Massaker – weder für uns noch für die Bewohner der Ukraine. Ist es nicht an der Zeit, unsere Nachbarn in Ruhe zu lassen und sich um unsere inneren Probleme zu kümmern, die wie ein Schneeball wachsen? Wir haben der ganzen Welt längst bewiesen, wie mutig, beharrlich und friedlich wir sind. Vielleicht reicht das also schon?

L.N. Tolstoi – aus einem Brief an seinen Sohn (1904):

„Für mich sind der Wahnsinn und die Kriminalität des Krieges so klar, dass ich außer diesem Wahnsinn und dieser Kriminalität nichts darin erkennen kann.“

Auch ich schließe mich diesen Worten unseres großartigen Landsmanns an und unterschreibe sie. Machen auch Sie mit!

понедельник, 25 ноября 2024 г.

Anton Chekhov - Selected Omdaru stories - Google translated into EN-DE-FR-EO.epub + mp3 Microsoft speech audiobooks


Selected stories by Chekhov - The Master and Margarita by Bulgakov - Chapters 1-2 Balabolka - converter- text-to-speech - SAPI Voices into mp3 files

Lady with a dog by Anton Chekhov
The Master and Margarita - chapters 1-2 by Mikhail Bulgakov


Anton Chekhov - Selected Omdaru stories - Google translated into EN-DE-FR-EO.epub

 + mp3 Microsoft speech audiobooks 



Святой ночью
Скрипка Ротшильда
Анна на шее
На подводе
Дама с собачкой
Из письма Суворину



Holy night


Rothschild's Violin

A student

Anna on the neck

On a cart

Lady with a Dog


From a letter to Suvorin



Heilige Nacht



Ein Student

Annas Hals


Dame mit Hund


Aus Brief an Suworin



Sainte nuit


violon Rothschild

Un étudiant

Le cou d'Anna

En route

Dame avec un chien


Extrait de la lettre a Suvorin



Sankta nokto


Rothschild violono


La kolo de Anna


Sinjorino kun hundo


El la letero al Suvorin

It became shameful to be Russian. Mikhail Shishkin, "Essays on Russian Literature" - Answers to questions from Babook.org readers

DE - FR - EO

"This book is my view of Russian writers through the prism of this war... It became shameful to be Russian. Mikhail Shishkin, "Essays on Russian Literature"

  Answers to questions from Babook.org readers Mikhail Shishkin


November 19, 2024

Mikhail Shishkin, author of the book "MOI. Essays on Russian Literature" answers readers' questions

This book is my view of Russian writers through the prism of this war. My compatriots are now being called to kill and be killed in a neighboring country under the pretext of defending Pushkin, not Dickens or Joyce. And anyway, I did not write this book, it just happened. All my life I have had solid ground under my feet - Russian literature. After the war began - there was emptiness under my feet. This book is an attempt to find solid ground again. And this is also the most important conversation that finally took place. Every person should have one most important conversation - with their parents. More often than not, people live their lives, missing this most important conversation. This is rather normal - after all, it is impossible to suddenly say at breakfast, when everyone is in a hurry, or at dinner, when football is about to start: stop, now we will put everything aside and have the most important and only conversation in our lives.

I had this conversation with my father and mother only after they were no longer alive, in my books. So a writer should have this most important conversation. In this book, I had this conversation with the authors who created Russian literature - and therefore me - for many years. The war exacerbated everything. There has never been such a global crisis in Russian culture as we are experiencing now. Absolutely everything is called into question, all words and concepts need to be given new definitions. What is Russia? What is Russian culture? What does it mean to be Russian? A hundred years ago, in the cities of Europe, emigrants were not embarrassed to speak Russian loudly. They lost the civil war in Russia, but at least they fought. It became shameful to be Russian. I felt very keenly what the German writers who emigrated from the Third Reich were going through. If I were to write about foreign writers now, it would be about Stefan Zweig and Thomas Mann.

I can imagine very well what Stefan Zweig was thinking in Brazil before he committed suicide. And I myself experienced what Thomas Mann must have felt when he came to speak at an American university and the students said: “Why should we study the language and culture of a country that is waging a war of conquest?” Just as Thomas Mann fought for the dignity of the German language and German culture, so we must now defend the dignity of our language and our culture, which the Putin regime has exposed to attack all over the world. Russian culture as part of the world culture is those writers, artists, musicians who spoke out against the war and in support of Ukraine, and not those who supported aggression or loudly remained silent.

To be honest, I don’t follow Shlosberg and his “rebirths”. Or Facebook showdowns in general. Very little time and a lot to do. I rarely look at Facebook, it’s amazing how it’s simply bursting with showdowns, especially sickening from the new “opposition inquisition”. Nothing new in the sublunary domestic world, I wrote about this in an essay about Chekhov. He rebelled against imperialism, which lives primarily in the totalitarianism of consciousness. Chekhov couldn’t stand female students who were convinced that they knew the truth and were ready to tear anyone to pieces for it, especially those who were close. They later became Chekists and would have shot Chekhov if he had lived to see the revolution. We are now trying to free ourselves from the “imperial” and “colonialist” heritage in culture, but the hardest thing is to free ourselves from the totalitarianism of consciousness. The new female Chekists, with the fury of the rhinoceroses from Ionesco’s play, rush into battle with “imperialism,” not seeing that they themselves are imperial sledgehammers.

If we want to truly free ourselves from the empire, we need to free ourselves from these rhinoceros Chekists too.

It is difficult to break with yourself at a conscious age. But anything can happen. Especially if someone left our historical country young and was able to build a career here. I personally know several wonderful people who studied there, but then left and achieved success in such fields as physics, computer science, medicine in the West. They do not need to prove anything to anyone about Russia or Russian culture. But if you live by the Russian language, Russian literature, Russian culture, if you are a writer, then you will not cough up the "smoke of the fatherland" until your death.

Where to put the entire history of Russia, the history of its conquests, its crimes against its own people and against others? Leave it in textbooks. Get rid of it, but not forget it. The only question is – how can you get rid of this history if the country has stepped into it like a trap? I often think about my father. He was 18 when he went to fight the Germans. He believed that he was defending the fatherland, in fact, he and millions of people like him were used – he defended the regime that killed his father, my grandfather died in the GULAG. My father was proud all his life that he liberated Europe from fascism. And he could not accept that he brought the liberated peoples simply another fascism. “What do you mean, we are fascists?! We are Russians! They are the fascists!” He, and the whole country, identified themselves with this victory. And what did the “great victory over fascism” bring them? They only became even greater slaves of the regime. People identified themselves with the greatness of the empire, just as slaves feel pride in the wealth and power of their master.

The problem is that the majority of the Russian population still lives by the patriarchal tribal consciousness. "We are Russians, and all around us there are enemies who want to destroy us, so we must protect our homeland, our language, our Pushkin." "We must sacrifice everything to preserve our beloved Fatherland" (read: the current regime). It is necessary to understand that humanity has only made half a step on its path from the animal world to humanity. It is not about computers and spaceships: both can be used for barbaric destruction. It is all about the transition from primitive tribal consciousness to individual, in the development of the personality, which itself bears responsibility for everything, and does not shift it to the authorities. It is not the people or the reigning president who tell you what is good and what is bad, but only you yourself decide what is good and what is evil. If I see that my country and its - according to Dostoevsky - God-bearing people are doing evil, I will be against my country and against my people.

Most of my compatriots are choking on this patriarchal consciousness, but will obediently lay their heads on the chopping block: the tsar knows best, "the motherland calls." The only instrument for developing tribal consciousness into an individual one is education. That is why all regimes in Russia have always been the main enemies of culture, and in schools the main subject has always been thinking in formation and speaking in step. In the endless struggle between culture and barbarism in the territory of the "most well-read" we are constantly losing - force breaks straw. Here we have lost again. Now our task is to preserve culture in the Russian language in emigration. And the "snow monster" - according to Mayakovsky, will continue further, reproduce itself, it cannot be reborn from within (it is impossible to imagine that the Hitler regime would grow from within into a democratic one), and there will be no external defeat.

It’s painful to watch the air being sucked out of the country. Everything in Russia is returning to where we once came from: free literary life only in Facebook kitchens. How will uncensored literature penetrate Russia? Listen, this isn’t the first time we’ve been married to a dictatorship. Even under the Soviet Union, everything leaked through the Iron Curtain. As a young man under Brezhnev, I collected my library: I took photos of banned literature, then printed them out. I was terribly proud of my library – it looked like a shoe store: I put my “books” – stacks of photographs – in shoe boxes. And in the age of the Internet, the curtain will be even more leaky. Literary life in Russian in the countries of the new diaspora now needs to be started practically anew. We need to find tools to help new independent publishers, magazines, authors, translators. I thought that one of the possibilities for such help could be the creation of an independent literary award. This year I founded the “Dar” award.

The prize is neither a "Russian prize" nor a "prize of Russian literature". It is a prize for rethinking the entire experience of literature in the Russian language, a prize for discovering new approaches to literature and literary life outside of archaic statehood, a prize for everyone who writes and reads in Russian, regardless of their passport and country of residence. The Russian language does not belong to dictators, but to world culture. The current discourse on "post-imperialism" and "decolonization" of literature must be translated into practical activities - the "Dar" prize provides an opportunity to move from words to deeds. The prize was established by the Association, which I founded together with professors of Slavic studies at Swiss universities. The Board of Founders includes Lyudmila Ulitskaya, Boris Akunin, Dmitry Bykov, Dmitry Glukhovsky, Svetlana Alexievich and other famous writers, musicians, directors, philologists. More information about the prize can be found on the website https://darprize.com/. I like the name - "Dar". Here in a short word live important meanings.

And everyone will recognize the title of Vladimir Nabokov's last novel written in Russian and, in my opinion, the best. Now is the time to create a new type of culture in Russian, which has never existed before, a culture free from the curse of territory and from Russian "patriotism", a time to create a new Russian-language culture that does not belong to the Horde power. It is very important that writers from all over the world, united by the Russian language, including from Belarus, Lithuania, Poland, Ukraine, Georgia, Armenia, Israel and other countries, participate in our award. It is very important that Ukrainian writers who write in Russian also participate in the award. The literary award "Dar" can become a unifying platform for the disunited Russian-speaking diaspora. This is a chance for the international Russian-speaking civil society outside the state to prove itself, to show that it exists in a world without borders, is capable of development and is worthy of its culture.

All those who take part in the organization and the authors who submit their works to the competition are against war, against dictatorships and support Ukraine in the fight for freedom and independence against aggression. The goal of the prize is to help preserve free Russian-language literature, give it the opportunity for a new beginning, and above all to support the young, for whom access to translations in Western publishing houses is practically closed. The main and only prize is a translation into English, German and French. For me, the goal of the prize is primarily not to search for brilliant novels that visit our planet not every year or every decade, but to help literature in Russian preserve its dignity.

Alas, the task of the school in Russia is to educate not an active participant in civil society, but a state serf. The only subject taught there is "patriotism". Therefore, I would recommend Tolstoy's essay on patriotism to a brave teacher. But for some reason it seems that not a single teacher in hundreds of thousands of Russian schools would hang in their literature classroom under the obligatory portrait of Tolstoy his words: "Patriotism is slavery". The population of my country supports this vile war not because they have read enough Chekhov and listened to enough Rachmaninoff, but because real culture, which is a means of awakening a sense of self-worth, has always been oppressed, and the population has been poured into a trough of patriotic swill. The goal of school education in the country of birch chintz is to keep people in the state of a tribe that relies on the Fuhrer, and this is much easier than raising a free individual who can think critically.

We saw this in Nazi Germany, we see this in a country that, from all the world culture, chose as its inheritance, without really understanding why, only the letter Z.

How can an author recommend his book to a reader? Finding your author and your book is not easy at all. I have long since given up on recommendations. Any book in the world, even the worst one, will find its reader, and vice versa, the most wonderful book will make someone sick. Meeting your book is the same miracle as finding a loved one. And pestering someone with your preferences is like being at someone's wedding and telling the groom: why are you messing with that cow? For you, she is a cow, but for him, she may be the woman of his life. The same with a book. There are no bad or good books. The book must come to you itself. If it hasn't come, then it hasn't come. Thousands of wonderful books do not come to everyone every day. One more, one less, it doesn't matter. But if that very book, yours, finds you, everything important will happen.

The line between "mine" and "not mine" in the book is not drawn by love or dislike. I never liked Dostoevsky, I forced myself to read him, but he was included in the book. "My Dostoevsky" is my view of him, a view through the prism of this war. It is necessary to understand what in our literature belongs to history and should remain in history, but what does not and cannot have a place in new literature in Russian. For example, Dostoevsky's "Russian idea". But world culture is a bridge leading humanity to the future, and the supports of this bridge are literature, music, art. Without Dostoevsky, this bridge will collapse, as it would have collapsed without Homer, Shakespeare or Joyce. Dostoevsky should not be boycotted, but carefully critically read, understood and rethought with all his revelations and delusions, with his "child's tear" and Orthodox crusade against European civilization.

If Fyodor Mikhailovich were to rise again now, I'm afraid he would become a moderator on the Tsargrad channel. You don't have to like him at all, but you do need to read him, just don't forget to wash your hands afterwards.

Only words remain from the era. Things, if not in a museum, disappear, houses are rebuilt. What is left of Pushkin's era, except words? Now his texts are that era. Here we have a feedback loop - the writer creates time with his language. He does not "translate", but creates. It is this - created by words - that will become our time for "readers of the distant future". You are asking about "cultural or philosophical message". You will not find "current politics" in my novels. Today should be written about in newspapers. Writing about today's dictators in a novel is like shooting sparrows with a cannon. Tomorrow the current ghoul will disappear, and the next one will take his place. Art, literature, music fight not with today's evil, but with the eternal. My task as a writer is to write prose that will help the reader feel part of world culture, to awaken human dignity in him. And then the person will decide for himself whether he is ready to be a slave under a dictatorship or to fight for a democratic reorganization of society.

And alas, there is no certainty that the reader of the distant future will not face the same questions that we face. And the main one will always be: what are you willing to sacrifice to preserve your dignity.

I am not writing in this book only about Lermontov. Of course, as a young man I read A Hero of Our Time with great interest, and recently I reread it and it seemed to me somewhat mannered, but I still love it. In this book I am not writing about such “my” writers as, for example, Bunin or Sasha Sokolov or many other authors who have delighted me. Bunin delighted with his carving of the phrase and his absolute pitch for History: Blok was still calling for listening to the “music of the revolution”, and Bunin was already writing The Cursed Days. Sasha Sokolov bewitched me at 16 with his School for Fools, and when this war had already begun – after “Crimea is ours” – he caused a gag reflex by admitting in a film about himself that he loved the group “Lyube”. Maybe someday I will write about them, and about Platonov, and about Nabokov. And in general I must admit that in Russian classics there are no "mute" writers. Chernyshevsky evoked Nabokov's contempt. But I love all of Russian classical literature as a whole. Like in the woman you love, you love everything as a whole, and not just some parts.

I already live in all my texts. And I move more and more into them from here. The last year turned out to be "operational", every now and then they cut something out. Little by little I am freeing myself from the body.

In the beginning, there is always a need to prove something to yourself. I wanted to write a novel to prove something very important to myself. I proved it. Then I wanted to prove something else to myself – I wrote texts about writers who are important to me. I wrote them. And now we are at war. Everyone, even those who are very far from the front line. I need to do what I can, what is within my power, against the war. To prove to myself and the world that the Russian language is not the language of murderers. For years, I have tried to explain to Western readers in my publications and speeches that a bridge to Putin is a bridge to war. It cannot be otherwise, a dictatorship lives by war, it is its daily bread, but here in the West, they turned a blind eye to the obvious. I wanted to explain Russia and its war to my readers around the world, so I wrote a book in German, “Frieden oder Krieg. Russland und der Westen” (“War or Peace. Russia and the West”). I explain Russia through its history and through the history of my family. The last two chapters are about the future, I told you what will happen.

We are now fully immersed in this future, alas, everything is going according to my scenario. Now, after the Russian Federation's invasion of Ukraine, this book has begun to be published all over the world, it has already been translated into 20 languages. I have not changed a word in it, I only wrote a preface and an afterword, and it is becoming more and more relevant with each day of the war. I receive a flood of responses from different countries: "You have opened our eyes! Why were our politicians so blind?" One reader wrote to me: "Your book helped my love for Russia not to drown in the blood of Ukrainians." It is important for people all over the world to know that there is another, non-Putin Russia, which supports Ukraine in its fight against aggression. My Russia is a country of human dignity. Alas, unfortunately, this country is not on any geographical map.

Literature in Russia is being strangled again. It is no longer possible to publish there for obvious reasons. I have long since informed my Moscow publishing house that I am terminating all contracts. I do not want my books to be published together with books by Z-authors who support the war. The register of individuals - "foreign agents" has been maintained in the Russian Federation since 2020. I was declared a "traitor" back in 2013, even before the annexation of Crimea and the start of this war. In the early 2000s, I was happy that Russia was becoming a civilized country, that the state was beginning to support literature and - just as Pro Helvetia in Switzerland gives money for translations of Swiss writers abroad - so the Institute of Translation and other foundations in Moscow began to allocate funds for translations of books by Russian authors. But it was absolutely obvious that the country was moving in the opposite direction, back to the past. The West listened to the "correct" words from the Kremlin and did not see or did not want to see what was really happening there. And the authorities used writers as the "human face" of the regime.

I remember how, when sending writers' delegations to the main book fairs of the world, we were told: "Scold Putin as much as you want. This will only emphasize that we have a real democracy." I did not want the regime to use my name. In 2013, I published an open letter refusing to represent Putin's Russia at the book fair in New York. Over these years, the country has finally degenerated into a fascist dictatorship. Now one can speak openly and publish only abroad. It is clear that the country is shackled by fear. And when ordinary people are silent, it is difficult to make claims against them. But writers are held accountable, they have a special responsibility for preserving human dignity in people. No one forced you to be a writer, you called yourself one. So, more will be asked of you. I am sure that at the Last Judgment there will be a special line for writers. And they will write in Russian, as they did before - always and everywhere. Sooner or later it will become completely impossible to publish in Russia.

Now new Russian-language publishing houses are appearing all over the world. Those who remained in the Russian Federation will start publishing in the West under pseudonyms. We have all been through this before.

I am an optimist in general. I am convinced that all countries and peoples will sooner or later come to a state governed by the rule of law. Our distant ancestors ate each other on the Volga and in the Alps, the law of force reigned. Democracy will win sooner or later, if only because it is much more pleasant to live in a state where the rights of the weak are protected. Another thing is that this is how it happened historically: some peoples follow this path faster than others, especially if you go in circles. Therefore, I am sure that if in 1917 freedom lasted for several months, in the 90s - several years, then someday, in a generation or ten generations, the next attempt to build a state governed by the rule of law on the banks of the Neva and Kolyma will last even longer. But for now, there is no reason for optimism in the near future. Remember how strong the wave of solidarity with Ukraine was that rose all over the world in the spring of 2022! Now my hopes that Western democracies will help Ukraine win the war seem naive to me.

Unfortunately, it has become obvious that the West is not at all interested in inflicting a military defeat on the Russian Federation. And this is the main condition for the beginning of any changes in Russia. And it is painful to see that the wave of solidarity with Ukraine in the world is waning. This year, the Pope invited me to speak with him and other famous cultural figures and peace activists in Verona at the Arena di Pace. I think I was the only one who spoke in front of 30,000 people about why it is necessary to fight the aggressor country and support Ukraine, first of all, with weapons. I was amazed that there were hundreds of flags, including Palestinian and Israeli ones - and not a single Ukrainian one. This is reality. I said to this sea of ​​people: “Imagine two people fighting with swords. One throws down his sword and holds out his hand. What will happen? The outstretched hand will be cut off. Dictatorships understand only the language of force.” War is inherent in the very nature of a dictatorial state. Democratic countries can always solve all problems through peaceful negotiations.

Wars on earth will continue as long as there is at least one dictatorship left. How will this war end? It will not end, the conflict will be “frozen” and it will remain an unhealed wound for generations to come. I do not see anything good for Russia in the near future. Certain conditions must be met to establish democracy. Russia must be defeated in this war and its national guilt must be acknowledged. But it is impossible to imagine any post-Putin kneeling in Kyiv, as the German Chancellor did in Warsaw. This is not a tsarist matter. A new “Nuremberg” for war criminals is needed. But in post-war Germany, these cleansing processes were carried out by the occupation authorities. Who will judge and imprison war criminals in Russia? The war criminals themselves? Who will hold free elections? Kadyrov? Democracy is impossible without citizens. Millions of potential citizens of a free Russia, who understand the meaning of the rule of law, have emigrated.

Who will the tortured population vote for in the hypothetical freest elections? For the opposition “traitors-foreign agents” who have returned from abroad, or for the “patriots” who promise to restore order with an iron hand and “make Russia great again”? And as for what will happen to Ukraine – I really hope that Ukrainians will be able to build a truly democratic society, no matter how difficult it may be.

I have had problems with reading literature for a long time. I am interested in prose when the author does not remain in the stylistic paddock trampled by generations, but goes "beyond the flags". For me, the incentive to read someone's novel is the lack of understanding of how this prose is made. There cannot be many such discoveries. For example, I was delighted by Sergei Solovyov's novel "Shakti's Smile". The author has a Ukrainian passport, he writes in Russian, lives between India and Germany. This novel was published in UFO in February 2022, and the story of "Finnegans Wake" repeated itself with it. The release of Joyce's main text coincided with the beginning of World War II. "It would be better if the Germans read my book than bombed Poland," Joyce said bitterly. So, of course, no one paid attention to the appearance of "Shakti's Smile".

No one is cursed from birth. We have seen how over the past half century hundreds of thousands of people from the "one sixth" and what is left of it have left and found themselves in another world, having successfully gotten rid of the "stigma", are working for the prosperity of their new countries of residence, are fully integrated into democratic structures and feel like an important active part of civil society. Of course, with the opening of the borders, the bearers of the "tribal consciousness" have also scattered all over the world, who are ready to go to the rites of the "immortal regiment" in Switzerland. Those who carry the "seeds of the Soviet system" will spread and occupy all available space, if they are not limited. On May 9, 2022, the "immortal regiment" was to take place in Geneva. I published an open letter in the main Swiss newspapers, signed by famous cultural figures from Russia living in Switzerland, which contained a clear warning that this action was aimed at supporting the war and was subject to punishment under the laws of the Confederation. The organizers canceled their march.

In the country where I and my children live, there cannot and will not be Putin's "immortal regiments". Everyone's job is to "optimize" their environment.

And who said that there will definitely be retribution? It is only a dream of mankind that evil will always be punished in the end. This is what Hollywood is all about. But in life, good - at least in a large format - has won only a few times, for example, retribution for those who organized the Holocaust. In Russian history, there were almost no examples of retribution. Was there a "Nuremberg" for Stalin's executioners? Of course, everyone who unleashed and supported this monstrous massacre in Ukraine should be punished. But I am very afraid that there will be no retribution here either. Stalin is still being re-erected here and there, and Lenin's imperishable work lies in the main sanctuary of the country. The wrong country, in which the more people you kill, the more your subjects will love you.

Boris Akunin November 19, 2024

Dear Misha, please tell us how the texts nominated for the DAR award are collected? I participated in the project at the discussion stage, but I am very interested in what is happening with the first season.

The submission of works for the competition began on October 1 and ended on November 15. The interest is huge. About 150 publications were sent. Of these, the expert committee (these are famous philologists, critics - all the information can be found on the website) will select 10-12 finalists. The shortlist will be announced in early January and the jury members will have four months to read these books. Reader voting will also begin in January. I think I have come up with a great thing: reader voting in the form of crowdfunding. On the award website, you can vote for your writer or for several at once - the minimum contribution is 10 euros with no upper limit. The winner will be the author who receives the most votes. I have no doubt that writers will be happy with every vote they receive. The winner of the jury vote will be announced in May. Each jury member (and there are many of them, more than 30 people, these are famous writers, musicians, directors, actors) has the right to vote for one, two or three authors.

The winner will be the one who receives the most votes. The prize itself consists of grants for translations into English, German and French. The prize is just beginning. I would like it to have a long life.